ERP News
The Company Summer Vacation to Strategic Advantage
The next six weeks are a critical time of year for my best clients. While lesser companies simply move to auto-pilot during the summer, the leaders use the slower summer months as time to build a critical advantage. It's true, the office is a tad quieter as many of...
What’s the Digital Revolution? It starts with Mobile Apps coming for your Customers
There's an App for Your Competitors - Quick, Hide the Customers... Gartner, a leading IT Research Firm reports that industry surveys show IT spending will increase significantly in 2013 and 2014 - story link here. Upshot of the survey is that 390 CEO's of...
Cloud – Office 365 – Critical Issues
You can learn a lot in a couple of weeks. For instance - at my previous post, with a software company that was perfectly willing to sell endless consulting engagements, but highly reluctant to pay for software consulting - we'd converted to Office 365 several...
You Do Not Reach Goals You Do Not Define – The Cost/Revenue Model
Interesting article from yesterday's CIO Journal section in the Wall Street Journal, "Study: Most Financial Executives Unable to Evaluate IT Investments." In a nutshell, it would seem most rate their companies either a C or D when asked about the ability to...
(Old) ERP is Your Failure to Lead
Thinking about a family leadership discussion I attended last week - the gist was we SAY we value certain things, and we mean well, but our ACTIONS often show that we're actually placing a higher value on other attributes when measured by how much time we...
Mashing up Campbells Soup and Apple – mmm Tasty!
In the information overload that is the internet, we have many trusted sources for information. Each source has a perspective, facts and opinion. This Mashup examines what we can learn overall, combining disparate sources and developing a Takeaway - which may...